how to reheat popcorn

How to Reheat Popcorn?

Popcorn is a great snack whenever you feel like watching a movie. It’s easy to eat, tastes great, and smells delicious! Not only does it not leave greasy fingers, but it’s also easy to pick and eat. Most of the time, I tend to eat this when I watch a movie marathon but sometimes, I eat it for fun. Overall, popcorn is an extraordinary snack that is ideal for whenever you feel like watching a movie. Not only does popcorn come in different flavors but it also comes in different sizes! Some big, some small, and some large. What’s better is that you can store some away for another day!

For example, if you feel that you can’t finish all the popcorn you brought back at once you can save It for another time. Not only are you saving money on buying more popcorn, but you’re also giving yourself a treat for another day. Just make sure you properly reheat your popcorn, or else it might not taste as great as before. Here’s a small tip, make sure you add a bit of butter to your popcorn before reheating it. You get a massive flavor boost thanks to this.


Can You Eat Popcorn The Next Day?

Of course, you can, it’s a great food to share around watching your watching movies. However, according to my experience reheated popcorn might not have a very inviting flavor. This is most likely because most of its flavor was lost when it was refrigerated. Don’t worry about it though, most of the flavor can be brought back if reheated and stored properly. Keep these things in mind though.

Make sure you don’t leave your popcorn out in the open for too long. It might go bad before you can store it. Aside from that, ensure that you store your popcorn in a cold and refrigerated space so that it may retain most of its taste. Furthermore, make sure your popcorn reaches room temperature before you store it.

Is It Safe To Reheat Popcorn?

It most definitely is since it’s a snack that’s meant to be eaten over a long period. If stored properly, popcorn can taste great and retain its crunchiness. What makes it even tastier, is the melted butter that oozes into it.  Just make sure you store your popcorn away properly and in the required conditions.

On some occasions, you might get soggy popcorn pieces that don’t taste so good. This is most probably because you may not have stored it properly. Speaking with experience, I can say that this has happened to me many times before. Mostly because I didn’t let it cool to room temperature before I stored it away in my refrigerator.

Anyways, just make sure you store your popcorn away without leaving it in the open for too long. Also, ensure that your popcorn is heated to make it as crunchy and tasty as it was before being cooled.

Before jump in to the methods, I suggest you to read complete guide on reheating funnel cake.

How do you keep popcorn from getting soggy?

How to Reheat Popcorn in a Microwave?

This is the ideal way to reheat popcorn. Not only is it fast, but it also makes your popcorn twice as crunchy! In my opinion, I think this Is the best way to reheat popcorn since you need to put little to no effort into reheating it. The best part is that you get to see the butter melt into it as it warms! Follow these steps if you want to reheat your popcorn safely, and properly:

  1. First, place your popcorn into a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Cover your bowl with a microwave-safe lid.
  3. Microwave your popcorn at high heat for at least 15-30 seconds.
  4. Check your popcorn after half a minute to see if it’s warm and crispy.
  5. In case it isn’t, just leave your bowl back in the microwave for another 10-15 seconds.
  6. Once you feel that your popcorn is done, serve it immediately so it stays crunchy.

Occasionally, I tend to add small slabs of butter to my popcorn before reheating it so that it gets a massive flavor boost! To make your popcorn extra special, try serving it with extra salt and some other toppings.

One more thing! If you are a churros lover use these methods to heat up churros.

How to Reheat Popcorn in an Oven?

When it comes to reheating popcorn in a microwave, it’s safe to say that this is one of the best ways to reheat popcorn. Not only does your popcorn heat up fast, but it also gets a spike in its crunchiness and flavor. This Is most likely because the popcorn expands when heated in an oven. Anyway, if you want to get the most out of reheating your popcorn in an oven, follow these steps:

  1. Preheat your oven to 300°F (150°C).
  2. Proceed to place your popcorn over a baking sheet on a baking tray.
  3. Evenly spread your popcorn and leave the baking tray in the oven for at least 5-10 minutes.
  4. Occasionally check up on your popcorn before taking it out. If it is to be heated for longer, leave it in for 10-15 seconds.
  5. Once your popcorn is hot and crispy take it out of the oven and serve it immediately.

Though this isn’t the fastest manner of reheating your popcorn, it’s the best since your popcorn is twice as crunchy. Trust me, I’m speaking with experience.

how to reheat popcorn in oven

How to Reheat Popcorn in an Air Fryer?

Reheating popcorn in an air fryer is quite simple really. It doesn’t take too much time and needs little to no effort to do so. However, it might lose some of its taste in the process. Most of the time when I reheat my popcorn in an air fryer, it loses some of its flavors. But hey, it’s fast and reliable. Just follow these steps if you want to air-fry some popcorn yourself:

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Proceed to transfer all of your popcorn into the air frying basket. If there isn’t enough space, just do it in batches.
  3. Spread your popcorn out to evenly heat each one of them.
  4. Place your basket into the air fryer and leave it to heat for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Occasionally, check your popcorn to see if it’s done. In case it isn’t, leave it in for another 1-2 minutes.
  6. Once you feel that your popcorn is warm enough, take it out and serve it with a topping of butter or cheese!

Have you ever throw away the stale marshmallows, don’t do that here after. This will melt your marshmallows without any issue.

How to Reheat Popcorn on a Stove?

About reheating popcorn on a stove, you’re going to need to follow a couple of steps. Normally, I do this in case I don’t have access to a microwave or oven since this needs a lot of effort. Anyways, just follow the following guidelines and you should have a perfect outcome:

  1. First, you’re going to want to preheat a pan over the stove at medium heat.
  2. Add a couple of dabs of oil or butter to the pan and then add your popcorn.
  3. Proceed to cover your pan with an airtight lid and leave It to cook for at least 1-2 minutes.
  4. Once you start to hear your popcorn pop start shaking it. Keep doing this for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove and leave it to cool for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Finally, serve your delicacy with any seasoning you desire!

Average Time and Temperature for Preheating Popcorn!

MicrowaveHigh heat15-30 seconds
Oven300°F (150°C).5-10 minutes
Air fryer350°F (175°C)2-3 minute
StoveMedium heat2-3 minutes

How To Store Popcorn For Reheating?

Storing popcorn is quite a simple process. Normally, I would leave my popcorn to cool for a couple of minutes before I seal it off in an airtight container. Then I would leave it in my refrigerator for a couple of days until I feel like eating it again! Pretty simple, am I right? Just make sure you leave it in a less humid place before cooling it down. Also, try not to leave it in the fridge for too many days, or else it might go bad. Just follow these steps for the best results:

  1. Firstly, leave your popcorn out to cool until it reaches room temperature.
  2. Drop all your popcorn into an airtight container without trapping any air.
  3. Store your popcorn away from direct sunlight and in a cool and dry place.
  4. Do not store your popcorn in a fridge with an open lid, make sure it stays closed.
  5. Finally, make sure you don’t leave your popcorn in the fridge for too long.
how to reheat popcorn on stove

How to Keep Your Popcorn from Being Soggy?

Simple, just make sure you leave your popcorn in a dry place. Aside from that make sure that you let your popcorn cool down before you keep it in an airtight container. Moreover, ensure that you keep the lid closed so that none of the moisture gets in. Aside from that just make sure that you don’t add any toppings to your popcorn before cooling it.


Why Can’t You Repop Popcorn?

You can’t repop popcorn since its kernel is already popped. Thereafter producing the fluffy snack you eat.

Is It Bad To Eat Stale Popcorn?

Not really, if it wasn’t left in the open for too long it should be safe to eat. However, there is a chance some bacteria’s got onto it making it unsafe to eat. So, I wouldn’t recommend eating stale popcorn.

If you are marchmallow lover this is how you can use dried marshmallows.

What Is The Best Way To Reheat Popcorn?

I think using a microwave to reheat your popcorn is the best since it’s fast. Not to mention that it also makes your popcorn fresh all over again with little to no effort. Sure it may not be the healthiest way to reheat popcorn but it is the ideal and fastest way to do so. Just make sure you follow the steps mentioned before when reheating and storing your popcorn. To add some flavor to it, just add some toppings like butter or cheese.

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